Readings | Black Moon Botanica Magical Supplies
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Natal Chart Readings by Brooke

Please note that Natal Chart readings are ONLINE ONLY. They are sent as recorded audio files, or done live via Zoom.

I am an intuitive astrologer, meaning I have studied the history and science of astrology, but also view a person’s chart intuitively. This allows me to get a holistic view of the chart, using my 22 years of studying astrology, while integrating my intuitive skills into my astrological readings.

A natal chart, also known as a birth chart, is a map of where all the major planets and astral bodies were located at the time and place you were born. Most people are aware of their Sun sign, however, there are multiple aspects of astrology governing our lives. All of the astral bodies were moving through different zodiac signs and houses at your time of birth, and their positions will have different effects on your personality and life

Natal Chart Readings are a breakdown of all the planets, signs and houses in your own personal chart, highlighting the most significant aspects, giving you a general overview of your entire chart and looking at themes such as career, relationships, friendships, finances, talents and personality traits. The reading includes your personal natal chart, PDF file with simple details on how to read the chart, and two audio files. Audio readings for personal Natal Chart Readings are 1 hour 30 mins approximately and files can be downloaded and kept forever, to listen back to at your leisure. These readings are packed full of information and clients find it useful to be able to listen back to them again when needed.

Past Life Readings are recommended after having had a Natal Chart Reading, but can also be done independently if you are already very familiar with your chart. These readings also last 1 hour 30 mins approximately. Past Life Readings look at the karmic astrology of your chart in detail, looking at the past life implications of the planetary placements, your North & South Nodes, your Chiron placement, as well as other asteroids related to past life themes. I often pull some Tarot cards for this reading if additional information is required. Each readings is very different and sometimes one past life will present itself, and some readings have several that are evident.

Couple’s Readings (or Synastry Readings) are approximately 2 hours long and involve creating several charts for comparison. I look at how your two charts compliment each other, as well as where tensions might be present. I also create a chart to look at your relationship as a separate entity, looking for the strengths, as well areas that could benefit from some attention to get the best from the partnership.

Transit Readings are 30-45 minutes and look at the planetary astrological transits that are coming up (or for a specific date you have in mind) and how they will affect you on a personal level.

Reading Prices

  • £95 for a Personal Natal Chart Reading
  • £95 for Past Life Reading
  • £150 for a Couple’s Synastry Chart Reading
  • £45 for a personal Transit Reading

Discounts are available for multiple readings booked together.

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Readings Black Moon Botanica
Astrology Readings by Black Moon Botanica owner, Brooke

“I wanted to thank you so much for doing my natal chart…you are one seriously talented lady! It has resonated with me completely and it has given me such a lift and set me up into such a positive mindset with a lot of reflections to take from it too! Yay!” – Sarah


“Thank you SO much for this. I just finished listening to everything and it was so insightful, interesting, and accurate. I’ve done several free natal charts in the past but always found them a little complicated to understand, but yours made so much more sense”. – Summer


“I just wanted to let you know that I listened to my natal chart reading today. It was absolutely amazing! I sat and took notes. It’s ridiculously accurate and really helpful. It has offered some perspective and if I’m being completely honest I’ve had quite a period of reflection this evening”. – Ben


“Thank you SO much for this – what an incredible reading! I’ve had my natal chart done before, but this was so thorough and spot on and quick”. – Chris

TAROT READINGS BY SAFA at Black Moon Botanica


As a trans-disciplinary artist and researcher, I am dedicated to dwelling in the intersections of art, culture, and mysticism. With years of experience in Iran and Europe, my unique approach to Mysticism encompasses performance art, Tarot readings, and the mystical poetry of Rumi and Hafez, providing transcendental insight and guidance. My recitals and readings bring audiences on a journey to the deepest corners of themselves, offering profound knowledge and wisdom along the way.


Tarot Readings with Safa at Black Moon Botanica are available to book online, or by walk-in basis every Saturday & Sunday

Readings Black Moon Botanica
Tarot Readings with Safa

Tarot Readings with Giulia at Black Moon Botanica


I am a professional tarot reader and Italian astrologer with a background in the world of art and teaching art history.In 202 I created my Instagram page “lunaticanocti,” which has allowed me to build a beautiful community and delve deeper into my studies as a content creator.

I’ve been reading tarot cards for over 4 years, and my preferred system is the Rider Smith. This tool has enabled me to explore myself and assist those seeking answers in difficult or crucial moments of their lives. I see myself as a researcher in the esoteric field, and by practicing planetary magic, I combine tarot with astrology.

I use personal tarot constellations as an integral part of reading birth charts, and being passionate about the world of perfumes, I’ve devised reading systems that mirror the structure of olfactory pyramids to promote awareness of one’s essence.
Since 2023, I’ve embarked on studying astro-genealogy and psycho-genealogy to enrich my knowledge.

Giulia offers tarot readings in Italian or English by appointment.

Readings Black Moon Botanica
Tarot Readings with Giulia

Tarot readings with Joeri at Black Moon Botanica


In mijn tarotreadings help ik je in verbinding te komen met jezelf. De tarotkaarten dienen als een weerspiegeling van je ziel, waardoor je in een tarotsessie met mij kunt ontdekken wat er werkelijk in je hart leeft en welke richting je diep van binnen wilt volgen. Vaak weten we diep van binnen al wat we willen in ons leven. Het kan echter uitdagend zijn om toegang te krijgen tot je eigen hart, bijvoorbeeld door maatschappelijke verwachtingen, angst, onzekerheid of meningen van buitenaf. In mijn tarotlezingen zullen we verschillende kaarten trekken waarbij iedere kaart iets zegt over jou als persoon, en welke richting je kunt volgen in het leven. Door mijn achtergrond in psychologie en coaching kan ik je begeleiden bij het interpreteren van deze kaarten op een dieper niveau. Samen kunnen we de symboliek ontrafelen en inzicht krijgen in je innerlijke wereld, waardoor je de kracht hebt om bewuste keuzes te maken die in lijn zijn met je diepste verlangens en doelen. 


In mijn tarotlezingen kunnen we verschillende onderwerpen behandelen, zoals (liefdes)relaties, werk, familie of persoonlijke ontwikkeling. Om zoveel mogelijk uit de reading te halen, moedig ik je aan om één of meer vraagstukken in te brengen. Een algemene reading over je persoonlijkheid en waar je uitdagingen in het leven liggen is ook mogelijk. 


Boek een sessie, en ga met verfrissende persoonlijke inzichten naar huis. 

Readings Black Moon Botanica