Cosmic Tarot

Regular price €25,00

The intention of the Cosmic Tarot by Norbert Losche is to make the old knowledge accessible and understandable to everyone by using as few secret symbols as possible. You can grasp the meaning without knowing the old secret doctrines of astrology, cabalistic numerology, and the tree of life.

The deck as a real retro aesthetic. There are several familiar faces in the deck, with several of the cards inspired by film stars of the 1950s, 60s and 70s. The design on the backs of the cards features a star field with an elaborate pentagram, a rising sun and moon and a white rose. The Court cards are titled King, Queen, Prince and Princess. The titles are traditional Rider-Waite style and shown at the bottom of each card. The images are evocatively drawn in pen and ink, with muted pastel colours dominating the palette. 

An Excerpt from the Mini Instruction Booklet:
"In our times the search for transcendent meaning and self-redemption has replaced the old mystical religions of a distant god. The Tarot's age-old knowledge is always quiet and reserved, yet it welcomes the seeker like an old friend. The Tarot with its dynamic concept of constant change offers a doctrine for the New Age and this becomes a reliable guide in this chaotic world of shifting social values.The four suits are titled Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles.

Pack Information: 78 cards with a small instruction booklet

Size of Cards: 67 x 115 mm

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