Thoth Tarot - Aleister Crowley
The Thoth Tarot was created by the famous occultist Aleister Crowley and the cards painted by Lady Frieda Harris, who interpretted Crowley's ideas into striking visual designs. Crowley originally intended the Thoth deck to be a six-month project aimed at updating the traditional pictorial symbolism of the tarot. However, the project eventually spanned five years, between 1938 and 1943 and both artists died before publication the deck was published in 1969. The illustrations of the deck feature symbolism based upon Crowley's incorporation of imagery from many different disciplines, such as science and philosophy and various occult systems.
Crowley renamed several of the trumps as compared to the Rider-Waite-Smith and earlier decks, and also re-arranged the astrological and Hebrew alphabet correspondences of some cards. Given the variations, it's not a deck commonly used by the beginner to Tarot unless it has an instant appeal (which it very often does!).
This is the standard size and the latest release from AGM. For this new edition,the colours of the card images have been matched to the original paintings as faithfully as possible.
Pack contains 78 card deck plus detailed booklet
70 x 110 mm